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Fermented Goodness

We at

are passionate about fermentation and producing beverages that are delicious, yet at the same time can be beneficial to your gut health.
Fermented foods and beverages have been consumed in different cultures for centuries. The tradition of food preservation through fermentation is being practiced to this day due to its many health and conservational benefits.
It is widely recognized that there is an interplay between gut microbiota, diet and host health - i.e. the consumer.
All of our beverages have fermented components, which can benefit the microbiome and can improve gut health. Fermented ginger for instance does not only contain vitamins and minerals but is also loaded with antioxidants, polyphenols and has anti-inflammatory and anti viral properties. Studies have concluded that ginger behaves like a pre-biotic, it increases the growth of beneficial Lactobacilius and Bifidobacterium species. Good for your gut, natural, traditionally brewed and safe to consume!

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